Saturday, January 01, 2005
it's been movie-mania in my life recently. Napoleon Dynamite came out last Tuesday so we had a party. Garden State came out this Tuesday. Wednesday night I headed over to our house on campus to meet up with Stephanie and Andy to go see Life Aquatic. They were about 20 minutes into watching Garden State so of course I joined in on that action. I really love that movie.
Life Aquatic was great. We went to a 10:25 show and I had been up since 5am, so I was REALLY afraid I was going to be too sleepy to really pay attention, but that wasn't the case at all. I'll probably be seeing it again with another friend (Natalie!! This is you!!) and I'm really looking forward to it. I loved the feel and aesthetics (is that how you spell it?) of the movie. The crusty boat, the inside view of the ship, the animated creatures, the locale, and the deserted island. love love love. Besides the fact that we laughed out loud throughout the whole movie. And when I say laughed out loud I mean LOL!
oh geez. Anyway- so tomorrow night we're going to go see The Motorcycle Diaries downtown. Andy and Stephanie are really interested in seeing it. I saw it a couple months ago for my 410, so i was too busy writing notes (not good in a movies with subtitles) and i told them I'd love to see it again if they decide to go. Also- I heart Huckabees is playing at a cheap theater in town so Stephanie and I will go to that maybe Wednesday. It seems like everyone's seen it but me- so I can afford a 2 dollar movie.
And as for this weekend... last night I was on-call as a nanny until 9:30 so I spent most of the day out shopping and then got four movies. Here's a slight rundown:
Friday night
This is Spinal Tap- okay I don't have much to say about this except that I loved it. I think I rate these movies in this order: A Mighty Wind, This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show. oh man... so great.
Saved- I had really mixed feelings about this one. It makes me cringe through most of it, but other parts were funny. I know they take really great stabs at Christianity and especially the teenage antics of it all... but man. It was SO incredibly over the top and over done that it drove me up the wall. In the end it just seemed like another shallow teen comedy/drama with superficial relationships. I could NOT get past that... that's why I didn't like it.
The Terminal- It was enjoyable, but probably not something I'd watch again. It reminded me of Cast Away- but I enjoyed Cast Away 10 times more.
Gangs of New York- I'm really into history so I was interested in this. Umm. way too many boobs in the movie. And really really graphic- but the story was great. It's a typical "you killed my father i'll get you back" but interesting with the influx of Irish and the interplay of the Civil War.
the end of movie mania.
it's too bad that green and red are only allowed at christmastime.
Life Aquatic was great. We went to a 10:25 show and I had been up since 5am, so I was REALLY afraid I was going to be too sleepy to really pay attention, but that wasn't the case at all. I'll probably be seeing it again with another friend (Natalie!! This is you!!) and I'm really looking forward to it. I loved the feel and aesthetics (is that how you spell it?) of the movie. The crusty boat, the inside view of the ship, the animated creatures, the locale, and the deserted island. love love love. Besides the fact that we laughed out loud throughout the whole movie. And when I say laughed out loud I mean LOL!
oh geez. Anyway- so tomorrow night we're going to go see The Motorcycle Diaries downtown. Andy and Stephanie are really interested in seeing it. I saw it a couple months ago for my 410, so i was too busy writing notes (not good in a movies with subtitles) and i told them I'd love to see it again if they decide to go. Also- I heart Huckabees is playing at a cheap theater in town so Stephanie and I will go to that maybe Wednesday. It seems like everyone's seen it but me- so I can afford a 2 dollar movie.
And as for this weekend... last night I was on-call as a nanny until 9:30 so I spent most of the day out shopping and then got four movies. Here's a slight rundown:
Friday night
This is Spinal Tap- okay I don't have much to say about this except that I loved it. I think I rate these movies in this order: A Mighty Wind, This is Spinal Tap, Waiting for Guffman, Best in Show. oh man... so great.
Saved- I had really mixed feelings about this one. It makes me cringe through most of it, but other parts were funny. I know they take really great stabs at Christianity and especially the teenage antics of it all... but man. It was SO incredibly over the top and over done that it drove me up the wall. In the end it just seemed like another shallow teen comedy/drama with superficial relationships. I could NOT get past that... that's why I didn't like it.
The Terminal- It was enjoyable, but probably not something I'd watch again. It reminded me of Cast Away- but I enjoyed Cast Away 10 times more.
Gangs of New York- I'm really into history so I was interested in this. Umm. way too many boobs in the movie. And really really graphic- but the story was great. It's a typical "you killed my father i'll get you back" but interesting with the influx of Irish and the interplay of the Civil War.
the end of movie mania.
it's too bad that green and red are only allowed at christmastime.

Friday, December 31, 2004
Is this not the cutest picture ever?
I have pangs already from missing her and she just left on Monday. I won't be seeing her until late April or May, and I'll miss her second birthday party. uuuugh.
"Think of all the things you've done before
Write them in a letter than says reborn"- Coheed and Cambria

I have pangs already from missing her and she just left on Monday. I won't be seeing her until late April or May, and I'll miss her second birthday party. uuuugh.
"Think of all the things you've done before
Write them in a letter than says reborn"- Coheed and Cambria
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Our trip to the consulate today proved to be a failure. We got there fine, but we walked in and we were the only white people in there. That's not so bad- but all the signs were in Spanish. That's still not so bad- maybe even to be expected.
But how am I supposed to get a stupid visa if I don't know what to do? There were people everywhere and I couldn't even understand what was going on. Did i sit and wait? There was a huge line of guys, yet still a lot of people waiting around.
It was ridiculous. Mom, Stephanie and I just stood around looking for any clue as to what to do. I stared at the signs, trying to understand them. We finally decided to give up and leave. We'll try something else.
So we got in the car and laughed all the way to lunch. What a bunch of losers we were! It was like a scene from a movie.
But how am I supposed to get a stupid visa if I don't know what to do? There were people everywhere and I couldn't even understand what was going on. Did i sit and wait? There was a huge line of guys, yet still a lot of people waiting around.
It was ridiculous. Mom, Stephanie and I just stood around looking for any clue as to what to do. I stared at the signs, trying to understand them. We finally decided to give up and leave. We'll try something else.
So we got in the car and laughed all the way to lunch. What a bunch of losers we were! It was like a scene from a movie.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
My brother decided to pick a fight with me on Christmas and the bruise on my arm is just starting to go away. It's at that gross light brown/yellow stage.
I six books at powell's Monday. I dragged (drug?) a five year old girl around the huge store with me while I searched for what I wanted. Then I bought a super moleskine journal (unlined) and some notecards at my new favorite store- Oblation Papers. wha wha! Then we headed over to the children's museum yesterday afternoon and had a hit of an afternoon. What could be more fun than a childsized market, doctor's office and cafe? Or make your own book? fun and cool! I made a book for my housemates. Today we stayed in almost all day, but walked down two block to the Starbucks. We shared a coffee cake... or rather, a piece of one.
I have to stop reading Willamette Week because I found TWO concerts while reading today that are during january- two bands I just started listening to that I am love with: Viva Voce and Menomena. Obviously they are after I leave for Mexico. Not to mention the Aaron Sprinkle/Carolines concert as well. bahh! Oh well. I try to tell myself that I'm taking the opportunity of a lifetime.
We're going to go see Life Aquatic tonight. Tomorrow I go to the Mexican Consulate to say "hey! Let me stay in your country!" I really don't see why they wouldn't give me a visa. Also- there might be more powell's tomorrow and if I can convince my mom and Stephanie- Cha Cha Cha! Ohhh Cha Cha Cha, how i've missed you.
I six books at powell's Monday. I dragged (drug?) a five year old girl around the huge store with me while I searched for what I wanted. Then I bought a super moleskine journal (unlined) and some notecards at my new favorite store- Oblation Papers. wha wha! Then we headed over to the children's museum yesterday afternoon and had a hit of an afternoon. What could be more fun than a childsized market, doctor's office and cafe? Or make your own book? fun and cool! I made a book for my housemates. Today we stayed in almost all day, but walked down two block to the Starbucks. We shared a coffee cake... or rather, a piece of one.
I have to stop reading Willamette Week because I found TWO concerts while reading today that are during january- two bands I just started listening to that I am love with: Viva Voce and Menomena. Obviously they are after I leave for Mexico. Not to mention the Aaron Sprinkle/Carolines concert as well. bahh! Oh well. I try to tell myself that I'm taking the opportunity of a lifetime.
We're going to go see Life Aquatic tonight. Tomorrow I go to the Mexican Consulate to say "hey! Let me stay in your country!" I really don't see why they wouldn't give me a visa. Also- there might be more powell's tomorrow and if I can convince my mom and Stephanie- Cha Cha Cha! Ohhh Cha Cha Cha, how i've missed you.
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Christmas was too much fun. I felt really great about the things I got people. It was so much fun knowing people would love what they got. Most of all my dad and I went in together to get my mom this collection of songs of old, southern/backwoods gospel songs. Really rustic recordings. It's called "Goodbye, Babylon" and it's from . I was SO excited about her getting it-- she opened it and started crying!! She mentioned it to me over a year ago and was really surprised I remembered it. We listened to two of the cds yesterday- one while opening presents and the second one while eating dinner. It was really fun to watch my mom, aunt, uncle and grandma know some of the songs and sing along... and then tell stories about people they went to church with back in the 40s and 50s. The book that came with it is really neat as well- information about each song.
I got a lot of great things. I got a North Face backpack. I got this army-ish green jacket that is just so... swell- not too long, a little fitted- it's really nice. I got some guitar books, spanish dictionaries (my mom bought me the SAME exact one i've been looking for... one i saw in JUNE! And she remembered). a license plate frame that says "Concrete Girl". A new pair of Converse. This really cool little scrapbook that is really unique. It doesn't have that much space, but it folds out really intricately. I think I might put pictures from college in it because of the outside print theme. I got a "pegasus crossing" shirt from joel and rinda- they made it! and few miscellaneous things.
The best thing about Christmas morning was watching my niece open her presents. The second one she opened (a fleece vest/skirt/jacket combo) she ADORED and proceeded to take off her pajamas and put them on-take them off- put them on-take them off... and the vest had a "zeeee!" (zipper) so that was even better. We all commented how bad it is that we push more presents on little toddlers saying "open more!" when they are so content with the one right in front of them. A good lesson to think about.
I have been spending quality time with my new guitar and the callouses are starting to form. When i was in high school (maybe 16) I tried to play the guitar and I felt I was horrible at it so I gave up after learning one (really easy) Jennifer Knapp song. Since then I have told myself that I couldn't play guitar. After playing around with it-it's not so hard! I mean, i'm really bad at shifting/changing chords, but i don't know why I hated it so much before. Having my brother here to help and explain how some of it works is even better. The guitar books he gave me are great. One classical training book (reading real notes/scales/etc.) and one book with chords in it.
Monday through Wednesday I work in a swanky downtown area and I'm hoping to get to take this one kid I'm watching to OMSI or the children's museum or something like that. Also- the home is about 6 blocks from Powell's and i wonder if I could sneak over there for a little while. How fun would that be! I've got mega books to buy.
Everything is love and happiness. Two and a half weeks and I'll be living on a Mexican visa.
"And if You would shine Your love down here
I promise I'll reflect it right back at You
And if You would shine Your love down here, oh
I promise I'll reflect it right back at You
Oh, I promise we'll reflect it right back at You"-copeland
I got a lot of great things. I got a North Face backpack. I got this army-ish green jacket that is just so... swell- not too long, a little fitted- it's really nice. I got some guitar books, spanish dictionaries (my mom bought me the SAME exact one i've been looking for... one i saw in JUNE! And she remembered). a license plate frame that says "Concrete Girl". A new pair of Converse. This really cool little scrapbook that is really unique. It doesn't have that much space, but it folds out really intricately. I think I might put pictures from college in it because of the outside print theme. I got a "pegasus crossing" shirt from joel and rinda- they made it! and few miscellaneous things.
The best thing about Christmas morning was watching my niece open her presents. The second one she opened (a fleece vest/skirt/jacket combo) she ADORED and proceeded to take off her pajamas and put them on-take them off- put them on-take them off... and the vest had a "zeeee!" (zipper) so that was even better. We all commented how bad it is that we push more presents on little toddlers saying "open more!" when they are so content with the one right in front of them. A good lesson to think about.
I have been spending quality time with my new guitar and the callouses are starting to form. When i was in high school (maybe 16) I tried to play the guitar and I felt I was horrible at it so I gave up after learning one (really easy) Jennifer Knapp song. Since then I have told myself that I couldn't play guitar. After playing around with it-it's not so hard! I mean, i'm really bad at shifting/changing chords, but i don't know why I hated it so much before. Having my brother here to help and explain how some of it works is even better. The guitar books he gave me are great. One classical training book (reading real notes/scales/etc.) and one book with chords in it.
Monday through Wednesday I work in a swanky downtown area and I'm hoping to get to take this one kid I'm watching to OMSI or the children's museum or something like that. Also- the home is about 6 blocks from Powell's and i wonder if I could sneak over there for a little while. How fun would that be! I've got mega books to buy.
Everything is love and happiness. Two and a half weeks and I'll be living on a Mexican visa.
"And if You would shine Your love down here
I promise I'll reflect it right back at You
And if You would shine Your love down here, oh
I promise I'll reflect it right back at You
Oh, I promise we'll reflect it right back at You"-copeland