Sunday, October 01, 2006

i've begun to realize how there are different types of people who teach English overseas. Let me tell you about them.

a) the first kind of person is completely normal, and functioning. They've left their home country in order to travel and see the world, and at the same time teach English as a respectable job, in that they enjoy being with kids and enjoy teaching.

2) the second kind of person has problems functioning socially in their home country. they don't have much there, and so traveling allows them to start anew. They could travel for many years and be fine. they're a little on the odd side.

omega) the english teacher who likes to party and sees teaching English as only a way to subsidize the nomadic lifestyle that seems so cool. Usually these teachers complain about petty things, are trying to get the most money for the least amount of work, etc.

Can you guess which category Steph and I fall under? Can you imagine how many people we've met that fit those other stereotypes? It's definitely interesting.

We commented yesterday that those in our 20's group at church seem to fall in the "A" group, which really made us think. Why is it that all the young Christians we've met fall into this category? I said that it seems that our generation of Evangelical Christians has this crazy urge to travel, and not necessarily with a missionary mindset. Maybe all those missionaries we listened to growing up created a desire in us to just TRAVEL. Couple that with a bit of compassion and love, and maybe that's why we're okay teaching overseas.

Stephanie said to our director that she went to church. He seemed happy. We mentioned it to our 20's group and someone said that they thought Koreans had this idea that all foreigners are partiers. It's nice to know we've made such a name for ourselves, yeah?

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