Thursday, March 11, 2004

I love my school.


Do other colleges do this? Do you have budget forums where you get to ask questions and talk to your president and the accountant about why school costs so much?

Do you get to take a day off of classes and off of working in the offices to come together in small groups and talk about what makes seamless collegiate learning?

Are people more than roles at other institutions? are they human beings or are they human doings?

It's good to know that my life is more than I always think it is. There's so much potential out there, and there are so many possibilities. It helps to know this when life gets a little mundane.

dear lord, i love this place.

And then, to sit around in the auditorium for lunch, eating packed lunches, and watching clips from movies. Haha something about watching a clip from sesame street with the president from our college really gets to me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

It occurred to me this morning that it's as if i had a normal job, doing my practicum. because: i go three mornings a week, and i'm starting to see the same people because i drive down the same exact street at the same exact time every morning. I see:

-the high school girl who walks to school with her hair wet
-the mechanic men (about ten of them!) who stand around outside their auto place.
-the dad and his 6 year old son who wait for the bus every morning

and now i know all the potholes on the street :)

Also, another funny thing: last week (or the week before?) They were doing construction and they eliminated a lane (it's four lanes), and there were those big orange signs up that usually say "prepare to stop" on them. Except these construction men must have thought they were comedians because there was a piece of paper taped over "stop" and on it, written in big black marker was the word "enjoy". And i remember that that made my morning.

and now this sounds like a really bad analogy for life with God. hahahahahaha.

the end.

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