Saturday, February 14, 2004

Although I didn't have any classes, i didn't go to practicum and I didn't work, I had a fairly busy day.

Spent my morning making cookies.

At 1pm our school had a budget forum which was really awesome. It came from the group project my group did in leadership class last year, and one of our guys gave the presentation. Then the president of our school, a business professor, our asb president, and our accounting guy sat on a panel and fielded questions. I really think we are privileged to be able to even get a glimpse of the budget and be able to ask questions about it, and to do it as a community of people.

The best part, however, was when lizy, natalie and I left and we started making fun of people. not making fun of PEOPLE, but making fun of them asking more than one question (which was bad etiquette... we were told that on paper, and then by someone before q&a time) and how they would continue to ask questions about the same thing, or over something that had already been explained. So we were mocking.

"ummm can you tell me why i pay a lot to go to this school and i don't see improvements being made?" (already been asked a million times, and explained a million and one times)

"ummm... i think it's really stupid that this school costs so much but i can go to the community college down the street and have a lot more resources... I mean, i know i'm totally overlooking the fact that a community college is funded a LOT by the government, but i just don't understand why this.. is happening... umm... what's happening?" (the last part wasn't said, but the first part was.. DUH PEOPLE!)

"ummm... can everyone just have their own golf cart? i mean, we are paying a lot of money to go here... please? golf cart?" (me just being stupid)

Oh I also loved the part with this one sophomore got up to say "i am wondering how we are going to balance the demand of admissions and incoming freshman, how we're going to be able to take care of them with what we have.. i mean, i got kicked out of the dorms this year and had to live in the apartments.."

to which our president says "aaron, that's not why you were kicked out of the dorms". good laugh for all who were present. our president is so cute.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Meghan is much better now that her science lesson is over. Meghan now goes back to being a happy person.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

getting mad at your jr. high group and walking out of the room on them in anger is never a good idea.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

tonight, while i was doing my homework, i felt like crying. But i didn't do it because i was at someone else's house and that might've freaked them out.

i feel like quitting.

upper b tales part deuce:

we had a hall meeting last night, with a guest speaker (haha), Melissa who came to talk about the budget forum every responsible student should be at. My girls canNOT shut their mouths! that was interesting.

I got one of those huge hershey kisses sunday night from my secret sister.... I told my girls at the meeting that they could eat on it, i couldn't eat all of it. WELL it's a good thing i didn't really want any of it cause they ate it all. pigs. hehe.

Last night Alina was on the hall and her little alina hand came and poked me in my neck. You know that part of the neck that is a little notch at the bottom of the front part of your neck? right there! it feels really weird.

So i went and did a little poke at kov in the same place, and ran back to my room screaming. I got my door shut and locked just in time, but not before slipping and falling to the floor because of my rug.

Monday, February 09, 2004

no exciting upper b news to share, except that Courtney went to the ER last night. They did a surgery at midnight to take her appendix out. Poor baby- she doesn't need this.

It is very warm in my room. The windows in my room face the south and when the clouds part, my room heats up like a big oven.

I got four mix cds in the mail today. This makes me incredibly happy.

i'm sitting here, hungry. I don't have any food in my room. But at 5:30 we have a PA meeting, and i guess we're going to go out and get something cheap to eat.

This weekend was tiring, frustrating, enjoyable, cold, and fun.

this is what i did today:

&woke up at 8, threw on some clothes
&met with science professor and went over the lesson i'm supposed to teach thursday.
&came back, took a shower
&class from 10-11:40
&lunch, check mail, open mail
&classes from 1-3:45
&practiced bass.

my arms are so sore from lugging that bass around yesterday, and playing it so much. My left hand's finger are also sore. yeesh.

Now i'm here, and i'm so happy that, with the exception of our PA dinner, and my hall meeting, I have all night to do a whole lot of nothing (with a little homework mixed in).

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