Tuesday, July 29, 2003

For those of you that i regularly talk to online (Pete, Seth.. perhaps Nick)... I won't be around really much for the next two weeks. This weekend is crazy. I'm trying to finish shopping before i move back to school. Joel and Rinda are up this weekend, another friend is up this weekend, I have to finish packing for school, Monday I move in, and Tuesday I'm gone for six days on walkabout.

So there you have.

This is paul harvey, and this has been... the rest of the story.

I love it when I call my best friend and say "you wanna go shopping tonight?" and she says "Sure" and i say "okay i'll call you and then you can come over" and she tells me where to call.

So i do it on the way home from work. Of course nobody ever answers the phone at her house, they just listen to people when they talk on the answering machine, so i say she can come over any time she wants.

And an hour later she's still not here. Her cell phone isn't working, and I have no idea whether she got the message or not. I have a feeling I might be getting stood up tonight.

Sunday, July 27, 2003

last night i reverted to my eighteen year old self. i dyed my hair again on the tips. and on the drive home from april's house (who so kindly put up with me begging for her to keep tending to my hair) i put on dear ephesus's "absent sounds of me".

it was a good ride home.

ate at a restaurant today with april and pastor john. all pastor john can talk about to us is our future husbands. blah blah blah. And i've realized lately that i just really don't care. I couldn't care less about boys and husbands and whatever at this point. I've got stuff to do, I've got things to learn. I mean, that really is the best way- cause nothing's happening, right?

I couldn't care less. And it should've been that way all along.

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