Saturday, November 27, 2004

Roommates and digital cameras are DISTRACTIONS from finishing 410 papers. But hallelujah, it's nearly completed. And i had fun (with the digital camera, that is).

Stephanie looks like a crazy, I am covering chin fat:

Holla! Yes, we were really saying "holla!"

Here we are, trying to be zombies, our favorite fall 2004 pasttime:

We weren't getting the zombie thing down, so we decided maybe we should make zombie noises while we took the picture. Well, we could barely keep from laughing while doing that. I took this picture, but the smile wasn't fully off my face:

And i look at these pictures and I can't really remember why we have our hoods on.

"hey jude
don't make it bad
take a sad song and make it better
remember to let her into your heart
then you can start
to make it better
hey jude
don't be afraid
you were made to
go out and get her
the minute you let her under your skin
then you begin
to make it better"

and to you: you know who you are- this does not mean stick your tongue in her mouth.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Ah. Thanksgiving. We went up to Long Beach. I stayed in that house that will always remind me of the summer of 2002. yikes. However, it was nice to get ready in the bathroom in the morning, with the window open and the smell of the ocean floating through. How nice is that? We played Authors and Hoopla until midnight. Today I ate a bowl of Life cereal, a mediterranean wrap, and an ice cream cone- just like old times.

Conversations with 8 year old cousins are pretty much priceless:
Cousin: how old are you, Meghan?
Me: Guess
Cousin: 12?
Me: No
Cousin: 22?
Me: yes! Good job. I am 22.
Cousin: Why aren't you married, yet?
Me:.... well, that's a good question.
Cousin: why are you still in school?
Me: Cause i'm not done yet!

However, the highlight of this weekend is when we talked to joel and hannah on the phone, and that little niece of mine said my name twice, and "kissed" me over the phone. Oooohhh baby... I cannot wait to see that girl. 25 days!

The other highlight will be when I get my 410 done. Monday at 3pm it has to be turned in.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

So here's more from Sunday afternoon. This is what a Sunday looks like at our house.

I especially enjoy Natalie savoring her brownie dough while reading her homework:

Me doing ... something:

Stephanie trying to hide. She had just woken up from a nap... and she was acting very odd that early evening:

Natalie and Matt being scholarly on our poor, poor couch:

I just found this and thought it was wonderful. There are a few I don't agree with... and the first one I just don't quite understand. But most of it is right on.

You Know You're From Portland, OR When...

Two-thirds of the people you know are from California, yet there is no sun.

You can list five reasons why Starbucks is evil.

You blame everything that's not right on ex-Californians.

You remember the date, severity, time of day, where you were, and how long you were out of power for every winter weather event for the last five years.

You know what and when the Columbus Day storm was. Bonus for having been there.

You go to a coffee bar and see two guys get into a fight over who makes the best India Pale Ale.

You own more than 10 articles of clothing that have microbreweries/brewpubs printed on them. Bonus for embroidered stuff.

You can go a whole week without seeing the sun or a person of color..

You have a bookstore, coffee bar, and brewpub all within walking distance of your house.

You think downtown is scary 'cause you were panhandled there ... once.

When you drive out of town, every other guy in a pickup looks like the governor.

When you drive out of town, even the Hondas have gun racks.

When the weather gets above 50 degrees you put on your shorts, but you still wear hiking boots and your parka.

When the weather gets above 60 you replace your hiking boots with sandals.

You think people who use umbrellas are wimps.

You can recount more than five anecdotes about why the East Side is a crime-infested jungle
... OR ...
You can list more than five reasons why the West Side is a boring, snobby, white-bread suburb.

You know what it is in between the East Side and the West Side, and how to pronounce it.

You are sitting at a red light surrounded by Subaru Legacy Outbacks.

A tree or mudslide has ever damaged your house or car.

You live equidistant to a symphony hall, a winery, and a volcano.

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Portland, OR.

Get Your Own "You Know You're From" Meme Here

More cool things for your blog at

hoo hoo's getting married?

holla! Christina's getting married.

Our house had the privilege of throwing her her candlelighting party.

However, we, as a household, are all single and we decided we're going to have our candlelighting parties back here in 10 years when we finally get engaged, and invite alumni, and take over the lower b lounge.


Monday, November 22, 2004

Professors can be really weird, sometimes. They love to type on their computers, punching the enter key. They love to slouch in their chairs while thinking, or press together their fingertips and make funny noises with their mouths. They like to tell you that official documents are always signed in blue ink. Then they also like to make you think.

It does a heart good to hear wonderful reports back from junior highers. Kevin, age 12, got baptized yesterday. My dad overheard him telling Pastor John that he was learning a lot in my class. Do you know how excited that made me? SOMEONE'S LISTENING! amazing.

I got Richard Swift's double cd set and Viva Voce's "the heat can melt your brain" in the mail today. VBM was extremely nice to me (although I won' say how so you don't abuse the system), and I got great warm fuzzies after taking the cd out of Viva Voce's case. Behind the cd lies such a wonderful picture: the Made in Oregon sign that shines brightly on the West side of the Burnside bridge.

'in the center of the universe
is a star stuck in a hole'

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Using my mom's new digital camera, these were taken just a few minutes ago.

oh roommate! like a good girl, you are doing homework while i play with technology:

and then i just take pictures of myself. This is absolutely ridiculousness. I just laugh every time I see it:

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