Sunday, November 06, 2005

Well, we had an interesting night at church on THursday, which involved talking about canonziation. Now I'm very confused, very upset, and completely lost. Some of you might say that it's about time, or 'why hasn't this come to you before?', when it reality it has, but I think the idea of a mixed up and almost futile Bible has just stayed in the back of mind. If it was in the forefront I knew everything might come crashing down. But, now it's in front of me and I have to deal with it somehow, in some way. I'm almost ready to give up the fight.

It almost feels predictable. Here I am at 23 now, questioning what i knew, what I know, and what I want to know. I am about to graduate from college, step out into a life of independence, and I'm questioning everything. Hello- welcome to the stereotype of Generation Y. Nice to meet you.

Yes, ask questions, but don't let your discouragement get the better of you. There are many, many people who are far more intelligent than you and me (well, than me, anyway) who believe the Bible. It may not necessarily be exactly what you've been taught it was, but it's no less powerful or important. I'd like to talk with you about this if you have the time some day.
Well, this is what I think about this: I was raised Catholic with all the beliefs that come with being Catholic. I never questioned much over all my years (soon to be the big 5-0). I have 2 teenage sons, who casually mention different things they're learning in school. And actually, what is wrong with the way we were all brought up?No matter what is being taught today, if you're Catholic, God is still God, no matter what spin you put on Him. And whatever happened in all the Bible stories you read, STILL happened. You can't change them.

I guess I don't like when kid's heads are messed up, making them question the religion that we, their parents, taught them. God taught us to just simply believe in Him! So why are you questioning Him?
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