Sunday, September 04, 2005 . More than anything, they can use your money.

I'm sitting in the computer lab on a Sunday morning. Everyone's busy this weekend and I have/had no plans. Yesterday I took laundry to my parents' home, they being away for the weekend. I did laundry, worked on a cross stitch, went shopping for teacher clothes, and watched bad tv. On the way home from my parents' house my brakes started to go out on my car. They've been weird the last week or so, and though they've been entirely too loose for my conscious they've at least worked. But not last night. Last night I tried to stop behind a car at a busy intersection and the car wouldn't stop, even with the brake to the floor. So, time to take ole Pops' advice and grab that emergency brake. Those last 20 blocks to my house sure were interesting.

Needless to say, with my dad out of town and nobody around this weekend I ain't going anywhere. So no church, no shopping, etc. This is why i'm in the computer lab on a Sunday morning. This time I brought my headphones and I'm doing fast T1 stuff like watching music videos and listening to music online, something we can't readily do on our dial up at home.

It has been 5 months since I decided to stop eating meat, and when I stopped to think about it I realized that in the last month I haven't accidentally eaten meat, or made any exceptions.

One fun thing about having a running partner is that you can make up inside jokes. Stephanie and I now, when we see someone running on the street, decide the purpose of that runner. Running for fitness, or running to catch the bus? Running for fitness, or running because they're late for work? Running for fitness, or running after a purse snatcher? These types of observational skills are necessary for life. What else is necessary for life? Balance. Everyone should work on their balance. Go tightrope walk on a curb.

Bad thing about having a running partner? When that partner has more important things going on in their life and they don't get up to go running.

Now playing: The Carolines- "Good for Me"

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