Thursday, January 06, 2005

Last night I found out why it really is great to never swear.

Because when you (or your friends) do, hilarity ensues.

I don't know why it's so funny, but it IS. And I don't mean a string of expletives, but the mutterings under the breath and the ones that slip out of your mouth before you throw your hand over your mouth. That's when everyone laughs so hard and it's so much fun.

Natalie said something about it giving those swear words the power they're supposed to hold!

life has been a bit busy this week. Tuesday I worked all day then ran over to April's house and hung out. I got home at 10:30. Yesterday I left the house at 8am to try and get to the Mexican Consulate by 8:30 when it opened. I was ten minutes late, but still got the information I needed and can tell my mom I tried. I stopped by Powell's and got three more books. I went back to campus and talked to professors, made some final arrangements with the business office, played my bass (only a few weeks and the muscles can get so bad!), checked mail, etc. We then went to a movie (I heart huckabees, which I didn't like at all) at the two dollar theater, and to Burgerville to eat. I got home at about 10:15.

Today I worked all day. Tomorrow I work all day. And then meet my parents at the school for a basketball game.

The books I bought at Powell's were: Fight Club, Grapes of Wrath and Slaughterhouse Five.

the end.

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