Monday, December 06, 2004

Why do good guys have to be married?

Why must it be so muddy on the walk to our house?

Why do i suck so badly at the bass?

It's nice to walk across campus and hear people talking different languages to one another.

This weekend was incredibly busy. Everyone in my house was running different directions. Stephanie and I went to a hockey game with her brother Friday night. I then watched "In America", which I loved. Saturday morning I slept later than I intended and then drove over to my parents' house to secretly work on the little presents for my friends. It is ridiculous how much enjoyment I get out of succesfully finishing crafty projects. I don't know what it is, but it makes me so happy. I will probably get more joy out of making those things than my friends will get from receiving them.

Saturday night my junior highers came over for pizza and watch my school's basketball game. oye. I have no words except to say that I will never be a youth pastor. Yikes. Saturday was church, ran home and did a little homework, went to my roommates' choir concert and babysat two little cuties last night.

I spent far too much time yelling at, arguing with, and poking fun at my roommates last night. We wrestled, i folded laundry and i stayed up past my sunday night bedtime. I tried spelling "Napoleon" for Stephanie while she typed. This is how it went:

Me: "N-A-P as in nappy head. Then O-L... as in.... ol? And E-O-N as in.... eon? Um okay that's bad"

Natalie: "How about O-L-E as in ole? and O-N as in on?"

Me: "uhhh.. haha.... okay, yeah."

then commence laughing.

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