Monday, December 13, 2004

I thought i had no life. I tried to justify and say that it's really nothing, but man I had a good weekend.

I worked Friday night for a baby that was adorable. I got to rock and sing him to sleep. Saturday I did homework all day. Stephanie and I left at 5 to the outlet stores (score on a Levi's corduroy bag for $13), Target, and a high school play.

This morning I had to get up extra early because we had two services this morning. I checked on someone's kitty cats, went to church and left during the sermon in the second service. I pretended to do music, practiced bass, and went out to lunch with six friends. Went shopping with half of those friends.

Did a little homework, practiced the bass some more. Stephanie and I then had to be at my church at 5 to help with costumes for live nativity. Dad finally made it home from Mexico, but came to the church first before heading to the house. I came home, practiced the bass some more, and my roommates and I headed up to the cafeteria for Midnight Breakfast. This is a breakfast the staff and faculty host the Sunday night before finals from 10pm-midnight.

Stephanie and I hand delivered an invitation to our Napoleon Dynamite party to a couple guys, and i've been working on homework since. Lesson plans are such a pain, but when the subject matter is something like Colonial America I can't help but love it.

This week holds only a few things that will take up a lot of time: Lots of notebooks to put together and turn in. A presentation on homeschooling (piece of cake, really, i just have to put it together), and a Jury. The Jury is what I'm worried about the most. I suck at playing. I think my bass teacher was happy when I told him I wouldn't be here next semester.

Dear Ephesus is just wonderful to me. Sometimes what you really need is wonderful familiarity.

"Save me
I have become all I've despised
Burn me
I am laying on my altar broken
Drown me
Sinking, I can swim no further
Save me from myself
Save me from myself"
-Dear Ephesus

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