Tuesday, October 05, 2004

"I think I sweat a lot.... because I ran two miles in the jogathon!"-Sawyer, age 7

The lady I babysat for last night.. she said she liked my name, that it was a nice name-- first and last names. and that made me happy. I hadn't heard that in a while.

If we could write down things that the girls in my house are about, these are some things:
@The spanish Channel! Muy Bien!
#Gardens and compost, recycling and conservation
$queen of the porch
^creepy closet we all got in and hung out of (so hard to explain)
*matt nash
(Napoleon Dynamite
)Garden State

There is more that I can't think of. Lots of times we yell and scream at each other in fun ways. Sometimes someone says "i need a hug" and we will do that for each other. Sometimes you just need people around, and these are good people to have around.

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