Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Natalie started posted in her blog again (hurray! link to the left), and she posted this, about her summer. And she remembered a lot of great things, and did it in a concise way. Read for yourselves:

"I've seen some friends - mostly Meghan. Some of our summer adventures have included: seeing the most-funniest-ever movie "Napoleon Dynamite" at Fox Tower with Stephanie and becoming obsessed with all the funny lines and subtle stereotypes ("So you're like Pedro's cousins with all the awesome hook-ups?"); eating at two Taco House restaurants in one night (also with Stephanie); trying to get Barnabas to grow a fro (again, Stephanie was present); reducing ourselves to becoming MTV's "I Love the 90s" junkies while gorging ourselves with Papa Murphy's pizza and raw cookie dough at the place Meghan was house-sitting, which was furnished with a HUGE television and cable (now I know why cable is of the devil); attending an awesome Copeland concert, along with my sister, where we met Meghan's friend Matt from the board, and James Likeness from the band told Meghan she wasn't a freak; going to a "barbecue" (where we ate pizza) for the junior high group at my church and getting nailed by twelve-year-olds with water balloons; and, most recently, going stargazing at Larch Mountain with a group from my church - so beautiful!"

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