Monday, June 07, 2004

Today I went back to the elementary school to see my fifth graders 'graduate' to middle school. I even sat up with the two teachers, in front. Crazy stuff. The kids were excited to see me, and liked my new haircut. It made me think back because I hadn't been there since the last week of April. So of course it made me think about everything that has happened since then. Just over a month- but so much stuff! The semester seems a world away.

Nothing else going on... I stopped chewing my nails, and today, to give me more incentive, I bought a little nail care kit at the store. I'm making such a huge deal about it. Let's just hope i can keep with it.

Also- I bought the new Prince cd today, "musicology". To anyone that owns it- doesn't the packaging and the lyrics (with the eyes) make you think 1992? I don't know what it is... but it kinda creeps me out.

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