Friday, January 30, 2004

I feel like i should say something right about now.



Anyway- I am having a lazy Friday and it is so nice. I slept in till ten. I bummed around and went to lunch, checked mail, went to a leadership meeting. Saw my brother on video (awwww.) ... practiced bass*. went to the library and read some of the arts and entertainment section. came back here.

I got this awesome new photo album. I think i love the album more than the fact that it IS an album, if that makes sense. It's a deep red and has off-white embroidery on the front that says "photos" and flowers. sooo cute. So i took pictures that represented the last few years of my life and put those together. It's a nice mix, and i'm proud of my little photo album

(let's just take a moment to clarify that although Meghan is very much a photo frame person, she is not a photo album person, so this is a big step.)

Tonight there is a Mates of State concert, which excites me. Equally (okay so less equally) cool is it is at a new venue that i have heard a lot about, but haven't been to yet, so that is ALSO exciting.

Then after the concert tonight I will go home-home, sleep there, and wake up at the crack of dawn to go with my parents and grandma to Long Beach. I'm looking forward to that.

the end.

*I really like the fact that the simandl bass book i bought yesterday was copyrighted in 1969, and nothing has changed. I think the whole look of the book is the same except for the front cover color. I am such a sucker for someone else's nostalgia.

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