Thursday, November 06, 2003

I was caught considering many things today in chapel.

Most of all- our respect and complete devotion to a certain speaker. Not a certain speaker for all of us, but you know- that one. And I sat there considering how we place that person above the words that they bring, fixating ourselves on who they are and their style rather than the Truth that can convict.

God knows I'm guilty of this.

And i thought about churches. I found myself becoming cynical of the ones most of my peers attend, and had to put myself in check about the attitude that was forming in my mind.

But still i wonder how much we praise speakers, relevancy, the way a service is run, how well it fits into our schedule, rather than the real community and fellowship a Church should be.

Recently I've realized how little the Church should be teaching me, and instead have realized that the Church is more for our fellowship- our renewing of knowing that there are others.

There are so many more thoughts, i can't put them into words.

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