Wednesday, September 10, 2003

We had a free write today in Hum310, so i thought i'd share it with you, because it's just something that i like to talk about. Our prof had read a story out loud of a man who goes into this cafe for the first time and is surprised at the scene- throngs of people wanting orders from one crippled man who runs the whole place while keeping conversations going with everyone.

"This reminds meof the conversations I have with my friends, or the conversations my friends have together. Often in the dorms or house or cofeeshop we will sit. Some says one thing that sparks interaction and 75% of the time we end up on ridiculous topics that lead to hysterical laughter and stupid comments. Afterwards I will try to remember the subjects we talked about in an hour's span but I cannot see past the laughter and general good feeling I got from the conversation. Theo ther 25% of the time it is usually more serious subjects that I can look back on later and think about. These almost always leave a good feeling also, the same kind of feeling even though it stems from a different sort of conversation.

moving from one subect to another with ease and freedom usually ends in someone asking "how did we start talking about camels in Egypt?" and nobody can remember. These conversations have a freedom and comfortableness in them that cannot be forced or imitated."

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