Thursday, August 14, 2003

i hate to have the lay the smack down and tell it to the kid straight. but your life is not going to end because you don't have a significant other. Look at me! I'm alive and kicking and I've got things to do with my life.

Trust me, it's hard when all i really want is a man and a family.. .that's what i want with my life... so it's hard to hand that over to God and tell Him He can do with it what He wants.

But that's what I have to do. Because I have no control over it, and I better hand it over to someone who does.

So no, kid, your life is not going to end. If you're single your whole life you better start thinking of things to do with your life rather than wallowing around in self-pity because you don't have a girl.

'cause you know... i'm not going to wallow around in self pity because i don't have a girl.


"you should be living"- twothirtyeight. (do they use that in a song? I dunno. but it's the title to one of their cds)

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