Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Another Switchfoot concert (Sunday). Another REALLY good time. Quick rundown:
This is my rundown of the concert:
time: 9 hours
gas: 25 dollars
2 vinyls and other misc. merch: 20 dollars
ticket: 16.25
refreshments: 5 dollars
live rock and roll blasting in your ear: priceless.

Something you'd pay to get rid of: Stupid girls who act like animals after the guys. It was crazy. We were in front (of course) and towards the end this girl is making me BEND OVER onto the stage because she's crazily trying to touch Jerome's leg. She can't touch him (he walks away) and she touches his piano instead. Sickening, really. Angee, me, and everyone with us were like "what the crap!!"

so it was a crazy night. Can i just say right now, that after talking to Jerome and Chad for a little bit, and saying hi to Tim and Jon (having them sign my vinyl) ... that they are the nicest guys. Completely genuine.

I guess that is all I have to talk about. we are moving into a new place!! yipee. Tomorrow we'll actually being staying there.

And to Natalie (because I know April won't read this):
"hot hot business up in this car (oh oh!)"

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