Monday, April 21, 2003

Let's talk about my weekend shall we? because frankly, it was a very good one.

Friday- what did i do friday? I slept in (meaning 9:30). Then I went to lunch. Then i went over to Joel and Rinda's. Originally I went over to help Rinda pack, and we got some stuff done- but i held Hannah a lot. Rinda said that was helpful, though, because then she could pack stuff. Oh well- I was happy. Then we had our Good Friday service at church which was wonderful. I then came back to the dorms and went and hit denny's with Tai, Alina, Stephanie and .. oh myself. We had an waiter/ess. it was .. interesting.

Saturday i slept in. went to brunch. did some homework. went to the church to help set up for easter, let my bass guitar (er, rather the church's bass guitar, slam on the floor). ate dinner with my mom. then went to see the appleseed cast which was very good- i'm so glad i went. They didn't play a lot of songs i knew, but it was stil very very good. It was very crowded and i got very hot. and i couldn't see anything because i realized I'm really short.

Sunday i did NOT sleep in. I got up at 7. Went to church- had a glorious time. we just started a 6 week experiment having our service in the gym because we are too crowded in our sanctuary. it went pretty well. Afterwards my parents, joel, rinda, hannah, my aunt and uncle, and I went out to eat at this great restaurant that has WONDERFUL strawberry shortcake. mmmm it was so good. SO SO good. So we did that. that was nice- just lounging around at a restaurant. And then the rest of the afternoon i did NOTHING. I just sat around. It was very very nice.

Then last night I went to go see Holes with April, Neil, Tammy, baby Myles, and April's brothers. What a good, good movie. Clean. Interesting plot. I had read the book for my children's lit class... it was just so good- the whole movie. Man... plus- you have to love a kids' movie that has Moby on the soundtrack.

that was my weekend. my allergies are being horrible today, so therefore i'm going to go take out my contacts. au revoir. or whatever

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