Sunday, December 08, 2002

What is this crap? Up and down, down and up. I"m okay one minute, I'm not the next. One little conversation with Nick and I'm over the edge.
My mom got so upset cause I turned down an offer for a blind date. I adamently said no. I am not looking to meet a guy, with the potential to hook up. I want to be friends first with whoever he is. I don't like it when people try to hook me up with someone. It's basically saying "here. date this person. you are not good enough on your own. you must date."

Excuse me. This semester was filled with SO many things that I don't think I could handle that. No thanks. And i don't need some stranger getting into my personal life. I'll remain disconnected and distant, that's comfy. Thanks.

I'd rather think about different things. Like music, and my family, and about how HANNAH is gonna be so FREAKIN CUTE!! I know i talk about it too much (offline) ... to my roomate. She's sick of hearing how Rinda is, and how the baby is, and how big Rinda's getting, and how I saw the cutest outfit for Hannah. She might kill me. Can you imagine what it's going to be like when she actually arrives in March? i'm going to be freaking out, and hypervenilating and showing her picture to EVERYONE who will look my way. I'm gonna be an aunt! I'm so completely excited. And i have to wait four more months! Torture.

Anyway. And God. God is so good, and I give Him nothing. Let's not get into that.

I've got so much to think about, and all the thoughts in my head are conflicting. Sometimes I get tired of it all.

"Keep waiting. I'll be right on time."-Stavesacare

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