Friday, August 16, 2002

You know what i was thinking? It's amazing how me and my mom are friends. We get along really well. The mom-daughter relationship is really unique. I'm her daughter, she's my mom, but we're friends too. Kinda odd.. I came out of her, she nursed me, she watched me grow up. And now we're friends. I'm almost 20 years old, and she's watched all of it. really cool.

That led to thinking about this guy Darren, who i know from online. He reads this blog, so i have to keep all my talk about him nice. But we met back... I think it was the summer of '98. We've known each other for 4 years now. He's 9 years older than me, and we still keep somewhat in contact. Anyway. So he's known me from the time I was 15, which is almost embarrassing. I'm 19 now.. and am I any different? i don't know how different I am. I think I'm somewhat less hyper. That's probably what he'd say. Anyway- That's a scary. I don't even have any friend-friends that have known me that long. I met April that fall. There is no one in my life right now (besides family) that has known me that long. It's scary. What was I into when I was 15? Switchfoot, for sure. Probably some Plankeye, and... Dc talk. haha. yeah. But other than that, I forget how i was. Maybe Darren can enlighten us all.

"Am i always wrong
Did you see it
(Am i that wrong?)
There's another one
Right there
And it's falling
Cause it's finished
Being a star
Can you feel it?
Does it mean as much
To you

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