Friday, August 09, 2002

I'm such a genius.

So last night, I asked Scott about who this guy was. Took all my nerve, cause i didn't want to seem like I was interested you know? So i asked who he was, and it turns out that he works at the bank, and his dad owns the shell station. I still don't know his name. So i tried to look around for him today (it's a small town) and see what kind of car he drove. I was thinking maybe an early 90's honda accord. I peg people by cars.

This afternoon I stopped the shell (well, i was thirsty!!) but it was some older lady working the counter.

Tonight after i left the deli, I drove by, looked in the window and i saw a guy in there and i thought 'that must be him!', so the dork that I am, i turned around, went on the street behind the station, and drove back around. AND LO AND BEHOLD! he was coming out to help a customer with gas. hahah. that made my night. you can tell how bored I am.

Now- why am I genius? his car was parked on the side of the station.. and what was it? a late 80's Honda hatchback. I was SO CLOSE!!! I'm so good.

October 5th. Jaime and I are going to see Bob Dylan. She bought the tickets this morning. I really SHOULDN"T be excited about this, because, heck, I don't know Bob Dylan, but well. I am!! YAY! haha.

"She's heard about happiness
She's heard about Jesus
She's starving for the beautiful things
That people seem to believe in"

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